The soil is much to wet to transplant seedlings ready for their beds, Kale, rocket and more beetroot will have to wait in the cold frame for the moment.
I would love to get in some more lettuce seeds too but will just have to wait a few more days.

Not so the Spinach it was quick to germinate but has
then just limped along..........
Elsewhere on the property the ground underfoot changes from area to area, we have a seam of rock running under the surface about 2 meters wide, this area is relatively dry and i have been able to plant quite a few new native trees and shrubs mostly small bushy types to attract and provide shelter for the small birds in the area.
Last year while doing some excavations an amazing amount of this rock was unearthed and left in a huge pile and then over the summer months the rock has hardened and changed colors.........Now what to do with all this rock ?
Well what else can you do on a cold winters day but build a Cairn.........
Its a bit like a jigsaw choosing and placing the rocks but a lot of fun, a couple of hours can go by before you know it and then its time for a cuppa.
It has been pointed out to me that a Cairn is usually placed on top of a rise, hill or mountain but as the rocks are extremely heavy i decided to build it where the pile was and feel it will look quite at home nestled under this stand of Red Box trees when finished..........................
Thank-you to Barbara at thenewgoodlife who recently nominated me for
The Versatile blogger award, its great to know others enjoy reading my ramblings...........................
Upon accepting this award there are a couple of conditions, firstly to share 7 things about myself and then to pass on the Award up to 15 other Blogs that you like and/or follow...........
1. First up the number 7 is actually my favorite and lucky number!
2. I like to write letters and send them by post to friends and family, and i have kept every letter which i have received.
3. I LOVE reading and my very clever husband has just finished building me a new book case to house all my favorites. I couldn't wait to sort out all my books and stack them neatly in rows, Gardening, Cooking, Travel, Quilting and all the Novels................Bliss !
4. I can't sit still while watching TV, my husband thinks I'm crazy reading, knitting or sewing while watching a movie.
5. I use to work for The Walter & Eliza Hall Insitute of Medical Research and breed mice and rats.
6.When my youngest child was 4 yrs old i quit work and went back to school and completed Advanced Certificate in Horticulture.
7.In March 2011 i was on the TV program Postcards reviewing our Country Retreat and i had a little cooking segment, making Bruschetta with my home grown tomatoes and basil. I was so nervous.... they had to do quite a few takes !!
There are so many great Blogs in Blogsville that i wish i had more time to spend reading and following.............................
I'd like to pass on this Award to 3 Blogs.
Claire at Sweet Birdy Love a blog about Claire's beautiful sewing creations, her garden, market days, and life in general, always positive and inspiring.
Enchanted Moments a "Real" blog about life as a Stay at Home Mum, mostly i laugh along with these posts remembering the times when my children were small and at home with me but sometimes I shed a tear or two when Suzanne shares her personal experiences.............
Bowerbird Blue Kirsty's love of her family and her local environment shines through in this blog, always enjoyable to read and informative on plants and birds . Kirsty also shares many of her wonderful recipes from her Kitchen in the Macedon Ranges of Victoria.
I'm sure these blogs may be familiar to some but if not why not drop by and say Hello........................