Monday, 18 June 2012

Harvest Monday

The first of my Cabbages, and a couple more beetroot picked tonight by torchlight.


  I was a little disappointed with the size of the beets, plenty of healthy strong leaves(the chooks will like them) but there's enough for our breakfast juice in the morning.


Although small the cabbage had a lovely dense head and was very tasty
lightly fried in a little olive oil.

The other half will go into a stir -fry tomorrow night.

Plenty of lettuce and kale, just pick a few leaves as needed............

Also planted out seedlings of Curly Kale and Beetroot.  More garlic cloves, I found an extra rope of garlic in the shed all fat & sprouting  so they have just been tucked in where ever I could find the space.

Joining in with Daphne and Harvest Monday, sharing whats in the Harvest basket with those around the globe.


  1. I find that beetroot grows really slowly at this time of the year although it should start to pick up next month as the days get longer. That's what I'm hoping anyway.

    1. Thanks for that hint Liz i might just leave the rest and see if they grow some more.

  2. My spring planted beets have stayed really small. I'm hoping they'll eventually be big enough to eat. Your cabbage heads look lovely.

    1. Thanks Julie the cabbage tasted as good as it looked!

  3. Your cabbage looks great! Our got planted a little late so we won't be eating ours for another month or so, it's just starting to head up!

    1. I find once they develop their head its a fight between you and the grubs!

  4. I personally have found beets a little challenging to get a consistently good crop from. Everyone says how "easy" they are but I know that they really aren't all that forgiving if things are not "just so" for them. Your cabbage is a beautiful specimen. Well done!

    1. I have to agree with you, beets are a challenge for me too, this crop of beets were planted(seeds straight into the ground) just at the right time, plenty of sunshine(not to hot) and lots of water which i feel makes all the difference.

  5. Congratulations on your first harvest of cabbage and beetroot, they look lovely. I find growing cabbage is quite challenging for me due to hot dry climate in our region, plus it takes so long for them to head up.

    1. Thank-you Mac, I don't bother growing much at all over summer(just tomatoes) unless its an unusually mild as its just to hot and cabbages certainly wouldn't survive.

  6. Your cabbage looks wonderful! I do hope the bugs don't devour ours completely!

    Our beets stayed pretty small this spring as well...until the very end...then they started plumping up a bit.

  7. Very nice harvest. I am glad to see I am not the only one who can't grow big beets. I do have to say yours are pretty sizable compared to mine!

  8. My beetroot look a little small at the moment too, I'm hoping they still might grow some more..... Your cabbage looks really lovely and healthy and I bet nice and sweet too. Lots of green leafy vegetables here too, they are great to grow and not too temperamental:)

  9. your cabbage looks good; just give the beets a little longer to size up. I cook the roots then toss in the smaller leaves at the last minute. The chickens just get the oldest leaves or those that are in sad shape

  10. I have the same problem with beets being big on the top, small on the bottom. Not sure exactly what I'm doing wrong so I'm glad I'm done with the Bull's Blood beet seeds. I do appreciate the greens though as they are very delicious!

  11. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to your blog Andrea, I really try to keep up with your news, but sometimes I just don't get the chance. I'm so impressed that you have picked a cabbage already, mine are still AGES off. As for the beetroots, here too I only have tiny wee seedlings in the ground after losing the last lot to some unknown cause. I've been digging into River Cottage Veg cookbook which I just got from the library and found a recipe for an amazing looking beetroot tart tartin. I'm dying to try that when I have some ready to pick, not sure how Mr Good and the girls will feel about it. I might have to fry up some sausages to go on the side for them!

    1. Nice to hear from you Mrs Good, life is busy.........
      I have learnt over the years what seems to grow well for me at certain times and cabbages in Winter do well, i also think i fluked planting the seedlings just at the right time and they haven't looked back. Funny thing sausages, my other half would eat them every night!

  12. Hi again Andrea, just wanted to let you know that I love your blog so much I nominated you for an award, see here

    Not sure how you feel about these sorts of things, feel free to decide exactly how you want to respond, if at all, to it.

    1. Thank you for thinking of me, lovely to know you enjoy my blog and I'm not just rambling along to myself.......
      I hope to respond shortly, at present life is getting in the way of blogging(up at 5am this morning trying to get through some paper work)and just remembered i forgot to buy chook food yesterday so better go and make some porridge for the girls...
      Oh would you like some Italian Curly Kale seedlings? i have heaps just waiting to be planted in.

  13. Sorry, try this link

  14. I have had mixed success with beetroot, actually have had lots self seed this year - about two months ago. Will be interesting to see if they planted themselves at the optimum time.


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