Friday, 10 July 2015

Who's going to plant theGarlic?

Well Me of Course !!!!!

Went into the shed to get there and then forgot what I wanted to get......
But then I spied last years garlic hanging up looking a tad sad...............Goodness its already past the shortest day...................Oh well a quick dig in the garden bed and 1 hour later I threw in about 30 or so bulbs I could salvage from the's hoping !!!!

I didn't even have time to take a photo of the bulbs, the above photo is from a few years ago !!

Ok so this weekends list includes planting out as many packets of seeds as possible and taking some pics !

Have you got your garlic planted??

1 comment:

  1. This year I must remember to plant some garlic because I do love eating the scapes in spring. Curious to see what you'll be planting!


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